Tianjin Hanex Technology CO,.Ltd

Gas Analysis

Complete Gas Analysis Solutions

From C6+ natural gas measurement to combustion, to complex processing applications and emission monitoring solutions for regulatory compliance, Hanex analyzers and integrated systems can solve the toughest gas analysis challenges for a wide range of industries and applications.

Combustion Analyzers & Actuators

Combustion optimization and control for process gas and emissions monitoring applications.

Continuous Gas Analyzers

NDIR, UV, VIS, TCD, CLD, and FID multi-component analyzers for process gas and emissions monitoring.

Quantum Cascade Laser Analyzers

Combines TDL and QCL technologies for precision analysis in a wide range of gas measurement applications.

Process Gas Chromatographs

Extended analysis in a wide range of process applications where gaseous or liquid streams must be monitored.

Packaging Leak Detection

Inline leak detection systems for food and beverage, aerosol, and pharmaceutical packaging

Accessories & Spare Parts

Accessories and spare parts to help maintain your measurement devices.

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