Tianjin Hanex Technology CO,.Ltd

Automotive Manufacturing

In a fiercely competitive market where cost, features, and flexibility must be balanced, Hanex helps you achieve productivity and functionality.


Solutions to Upgrade Your Automotive Production Processes

The automotive industry is one the prime movers of the economy. As a manufacturer, you strive to produce quality components and vehicles in a fast-paced environment impacted by changing trends. Hanex helps improve your efficiency and flexibility to stay on time and on budget.


Auotomotive Segments

Fuel Dispensing

Ensure the safety, accuracy, flow, and quality of alternative and conventional fuels.

Components & Vehicle Systems

Produce attractive components and reliable systems with the efficiency automotive suppliers need.

Fabrication and Assembly

In high-volume production, cost savings and productivity improvements can have significant bottom line impact.


Boost throughput, cut downtime, and ensure quality products throughout the tire-making process.

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